Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Within year 5, our aim is to ensure that all pupils are challenged, motivated and resilient. Year 5 is the first year of Upper Key Stage 2, and it is essential that our children are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed not only in Year 6, but in Key Stage 3 also.
Within year 5, children will be reading and discussing a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. They will be answering a range of questions, discovering new vocabulary and making predictions and inferences.
In writing, children will be exploring various high-quality texts. They will produce pieces including non-chronological reports, narratives, setting descriptions and biographies, integrating new grammar and punctuation features throughout.
In maths, the children will be covering various topics at a higher-level including addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions. Our aim is for the children to be able to think mathematically and be able to solve mathematical problems using the most efficient method.
This year, alongside a wide range of other wider curriculum subjects, the children will receive Ukulele lessons from a professional music tutor!
Our PE day is Tuesday. Please ensure that your child brings the correct PE kit (as listed below) on this day.
Indoor: plain white T-shirt, black shorts, black pumps.
Outdoor: as above and navy coloured jumper/hoodie and navy tracksuit bottoms, trainers or plimsolls.
Please ensure that all items of clothing and other property are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Please note, for health and safety reasons, earrings are not to be worn on PE days.
Please look out for regular updates on our ClassDojo pages and our school's Facebook and Twitter where you can get a great insight into what’s going on in Year 5!
Any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Miss Shaw and Mr Evans