Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

A child is defined as having Special Educational Needs if he or she is in need of support which is additional to, or otherwise different from the education provided for the other children in that class or age group.

The majority of children who are identified in this way receive suitably differentiated work within the mainstream classroom alongside their classmates.

At all stages in the process of identification and support, the SEN Co-ordinator (SENDCO) will liaise with parents and support agencies to ensure the best education for the child.

The SENDCO at Waterloo Primary is Miss Lilley who can be contacted via the school office on

0161 330 1280 or via email at waterloo@prestoleetrust.org

SEND Policy

Special Needs Information Report

School Dog 


Introduction - Jessie

School dog letter to parents

School Dog Policy

Risk Assessment

Doggie Language Chart