The school uniform is as follows:

Navy pullover, white shirt, white / blue polo shirt, black trousers / skirt, navy / black head scarf black, white or grey socks, black / white or grey tights, black shoes.

Blue gingham / candy striped dress, blue / white polo shirt, black trousers / shorts, navy / black head scarf, black, white or grey socks.

P.E. Kit
Indoor: plain white T-shirt, black shorts, black pumps; Outdoor: as above and navy coloured jumper / hoodie and navy track suit bottoms, trainers or plimsolls.

Will you please ensure that all items of clothing and other property are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Jewellery within school is limited to a watch and small stud earrings. Chains, rings and large hoop or dangly earrings can all create a potential risk of injury and therefore are not allowed in school. Children who have pierced ears must remove or cover any earrings with safety tape for P.E. and games lessons.

Make-up, false lashes or false nail including stick on, acrylic or gel are not allowed to be worn in school. 

School uniform can be purchased at M.C.S Stores:

MCS Stores 

32 Market Street



OL6 6ER 

Tel: 0161 339 9845


Facebook: MCS Stores