Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
We aim to ensure all children can access the work and are being adequately challenged. We seek to motivate our learners and ensure to equip all pupils with the necessary skills they need to succeed throughout KS2.
During your time in Year 3, we will be learning lots of interesting things such as Ancient Civilizations in History, Mindfulness and Wellbeing, Plants, Rocks and Animals including Humans in Science and lots of new, impressive skills.
The children will be reading and discussing a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. They will be answering a range of questions, discovering new vocabulary, making predictions and inferences and building on their comprehension skills.
The children will be immersing themselves into various high-quality texts, analysing how they are written and thereafter planning and writing a similar piece of writing. Over the upcoming year they will be producing a variety of fictional narratives and non-fictional reports.
During Maths this year the children will be developing skills they have previously learnt in KS1 and learning many new skills to set them up to succeed throughout KS2. They will be covering a variety of topics such as; Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Mass and Capacity, Multiplication and Division and Fractions.
Things that are helpful to know:
- PE is on a Monday and Thursday. We ask that the children bring their PE kit into school with them and get ready for PE in school. Please ensure all children have the correct PE kit (Plain White T-shirt, Black Shorts/Navy Blue Tracksuit Bottoms, Navy Jumper/Hoodie, Black Plimsolls/Suitable Trainers).
- Homework is set every Friday and is due to be completed by the following Wednesday.
- Reading records are used to monitor how much your child is reading at home so the more you can sign, the better! There are reading challenges and prizes for people reading at home. Each term, students who complete their weekly reading and homework will be entered into a raffle for an exciting afternoon of activities with our reading lead, Mrs. Mills!
Please look out for regular updates on our ClassDojo pages and our school's Facebook and X where you can get a great insight into what’s going on in Year 3.
We are so happy to see everybody back at school and can’t wait to make lots of fantastic memories together this year!
Mr. Mahmud